With 20 years’ of experience in undertaking heritage studies and reviews, heritage impact statements, typological studies and archival recording, our office can provide expert heritage advice to clients on a diverse range of heritage places.
Heritage studies and heritage reviews:
West Footscray Inter-war and Post-war Heritage Precinct Study 2021
Shire of Mornington Peninsula Heritage Review Area 3, 2019
Survey of Post-War Built Heritage in Victoria, 2008
Inter-War and Post-War Heritage Study, City of Bayside, 2008
Wyndham North Heritage Strategy, 2012
A Thematic History of the City of Cairns and its Regional Towns, 2011
Typological Studies:
Half Houses of St Albans, City of Brimbank, 2020
Survey of Historic Electric Signage in Victoria, 2002
Survey of Defence Sites, City of Maribyrnong, 2008
Laneways Study: A Guide to Assessing Moreland’s Bluestone Laneways, 2012
Archival documentation and high-quality photographic recording:
Princes Pier
Cheetham Saltworks
Shard at Federation Square
Danns Bridge, Laanecoorie
Mount Buffalo Chalet