Our Practice
Level 2/129 Peel Street
heritage ALLIANCE is a small consultancy practice located in North Melbourne. We can provide advice and expertise in architecture, history, heritage planning and conservation. We work regularly with other architects, urban designers, builders and planners and draw on a wide field of experts when needed. Our regular clients include property owners, Local Governments and a number of State Government departments.
Principal Architect
David Wixted, B.Architecture, Dip.Arch.Conservation Rome, Member Australia ICOMOS, Reg. Architect
David established heritage ALLIANCE in 2000, after 10 years as a senior architect at Heritage Victoria. David can provide specialist services in building conservation and restoration, heritage permit advice and conservation planning. David is an accomplished architectural photographer, is a specialist in Twentieth Century Modernist architecture, historic neon signage and is well known for his Victorian-era building fabric expertise.
Grosseto Post Office, Italy, Photographer - David Wixted